Become a Member of Our Organization and Committees
Calling all women!! Calling all women!!!
The Sisterhood of Temple Ner Tamid is an integral part in making our Temple run as smoothly and as successfully as it has for many years.
Our women are a very dynamic group representing all different ages, all different traditions and all different personalities. When working together, we can and do achieve many MITZVOT for our members, our Temple and the community at large. Some of our terrific programs include:
- Torah Fund campaign for the Jewish Theological Seminary
- Providing holiday treats to our Religious School
- Judaica Shop with all the latest traditional items
- Providing pastries and more for weekly Oneg Shabbat following services
- A very successful Bi-annual rummage sale
- A totally female-run evening Shabbat service and Oneg
- Holiday workshops and other monthly social gatherings
- Game nights, Donor Dinner, Paid Up Supper and MUCH MORE!!
All first year members of the Temple receive a free membership to our Sisterhood. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and join our very vibrant and dedicated group of women. We have a way of making members feel as if they have always belonged.
Looking forward to meeting, greeting, eating, and kibitzing with you soon!!!!!!
Contact at [email protected]
The Men’s Club of Temple Ner Tamid is affiliated with the ‘Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs’. We sponsor the Yom HaShoah, Yellow Candle program. This annual program was originated at TNT and is now international in scope. We also participate in the annual World Wide Wrap. This event, with involvement from congregations across the country, helped raise over $800,000.00 to the Tefillin Scholarship. The fund pays for tefillin for those who cannot afford them.
Men who are new temple members become Men’s Clubs members for free the first year. We hope you will consider joining our families and participate in temple life at Temple Ner Tamid.
Contact [email protected]

Men's Club
The Men’s Club of TNT is dedicated to involving Jewish men in Jewish life. At TNT, the club is a main fundraising source. Each year we run a charity auction, with some of the proceeds contributing to a sizable donation to the Temple. The auction also funds an annual scholarship for our college-bound graduating high school seniors. Over the years, we have given out over $100,000.00 in scholarships.
But Fundraising is just the tip of the iceberg of what we try to accomplish during the calendar year. We strive to hold monthly events like dinners and breakfasts. Many of these events will have a speaker or have some entertainment. In the past few years, we have had guests from both the sports world and others who have spoken on both Jewish and local life. All our events are open not just to Men’s Club members, but any temple member that might find the activity interesting. [email protected]

Temple Ner Tamid is here to provide service to the Jewish community. We are an Egalitarian Conservative Congregation that is traditional yet understanding of the modern world we live in. The bright light of the Ner Tamid shines over the greater Peabody area, helping you on your spiritual journey. If you would like a special service from a Brit Millah, Bar or Bat Mitzvah or any life cycle event, our Clergy would be more than happy to address your family’s wishes. Join us in song and prayer. Our community is here for you.
Minyan Service Schedule
Sunday 9:00 AM
Monday – Thursday 7:00 PM
Friday 8:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM
If you would like to chant torah during shabbat services, please sign up here.
If you would like to chant a haftarah (perhaps from your Bar/Bat Mitzvah), please sign up here.
North Shore Youth Group

North Shore Youth Group, or NSYG, was started in 2017 by a couple of Temple Ner Tamid parents who wanted their children to be able to interact with other Jewish children on a social level. After having a couple of events in the first year, NSYG started to take off!
NSYG is for Jewish youth who live on the North Shore and are in grades 3 through 8. You do not need to be affiliated with a temple to be able to enjoy the social events that we have. With the combined efforts of Temples Ner Tamid and Tiferet Shalom, we have been able to help subsidize events to keep them cost-friendly for our families. We have gone to places like Boda Borg, Snowtubing at Amesbury Sports Park, rock wall climbing at MetroRock Gym, Kings Bowling, and SkyZone to name a few. We average 35-40 kids per event and are always looking for more!!
Contact at [email protected]
Membership at Temple Ner Tamid is open to everyone. Perhaps you are seeking a place for a faith-full and rich study of Torah; or perhaps you want to meet and build friendships with new people. You may be Jewish but want to add more Jewishness to your life; or, you are not now Jewish and you want to see what Jewish life has to offer. Whether you are married or single or partnered, have children or don’t, are younger or older, Temple Ner Tamid has many ways and ideas for how you can enjoy synagogue life.
We also invite you to join us for Shabbat, where we’ll provide you with a host to show you around. If you are coming from out of town, let us know and we’ll host you for Shabbat dinner on Friday evening. We look forward to all that you will add to our diverse community!
To contact Membership, please email: [email protected]
Adult Education
Rabbi Perlman continues to lead our Sunday morning Minyan Study Program @ 9:00 am. We have added a “healthy twist” to the program so that participants can take a walk after study. Please join this group for Minyan, breakfast, study, and a walk.
We continue to offer the Thursday afternoon, once a month very popular Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Perlman. Monthly dates and reservations for the Lunch & Learn can be made through the office.
- Zumba class every Monday evening 6:15-7:15 pm
- Israeli Dancing every Tuesday evening 8:00 -9:00 pm
- Pilates class every Thursday evening 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Social Action
Three years ago, we committed to serving at Haven from Hunger on the third Thursday of each month. Although Haven from Hunger is now part of Citizen’s Inn, our role has not changed. However, we work in a remodeled kitchen, which allows us to be more effective. Every month, typically on the third Thursday, we show up at 3:00 pm with 4 to 8 volunteers. There is now a permanent staff member who serves as chef, and we prepare the food at her guidance, as well as serving, and doing cleanup. There is a fond appreciation by the Haven staff of the work being done by TNT every month and those of us who go there feel very rewarded for our efforts. This past fall we were also called in to help with a Christmas Eve serving, to free the staff to attend their services. Nice that we could help.
The evening of Kol Nidre you responded to the Project Isaiah appeal by bringing in food. The day after Yom Kippur we sorted the food by categories and refilled the Project Isaiah bags. We were able to donate 90 full bags of food divided between Haven from Hunger, Danvers People to People Food Pantry, and the Jewish Family & Children’s Services Food Pantry. Haven measured their 30 bags at 227 pounds, an indication that we really collected a lot of food! Thanks to all who contributed and helped with the collection and distribution.
In November, we had our annual winter coat drive 95 coats, women’s, men’s, and children’s. These were distributed to the Lynn Shelter Association, Citizen’s Inn-Haven from Hunger (Peabody) and Action for Post Soviet Jewry where they are sent to the Jewish needy mostly elders in the Ukraine. The experience bringing coats to Lynn Shelter was truly notable. The staff greeted us as heroes and were so thankful for the 40 coats they received.
We truly are a generous congregation. In December, our toy and gift card drive netted over 95 gifts. We brought pre-elementary toys to Haven from Hunger. And for Family Promise, we were able to provide a dozen items from their request list. We sent gift cards to Jewish Family and Children’s services. The remaining toys were sent to Chelsea, Hooks Elementary School, where they became greatly appreciated gifts to 65 plus families.
Temple Ner Tamid continues serving as a support congregation for Family Promise of the North Shore. We coordinate with the Community Covenant Church in West Peabody and provided two meals to the clients in December and two in June. It is a most rewarding experience to meet with the families and know we are helping them to achieve their goal of living independently in the community.
We maintain a food barrel in Founders Hall. Donations are being brought to local food pantries, most recently to Middleton and Danvers.